The SXI-01 Has Been Revealed!

The SXI-01 Has Been Revealed!

The final design of the SXI-01 has been confirmed! We're proud to reveal that what you see on your screen right now is the final version of the SXI-01 that you will be able to add to your Sim Racing setup in the near future! 

It's been a long road to get to this point in the development cycle, as we wanted to ensure that we had a design that would provide the best possible experience for you prior to revealing it. There are many features of the SXI-01 that I'm sure many of you are already familiar with, however, we've made some pretty key design choices recently which you may not have heard about.

The biggest recent change to the SXI-01 is the decision to move away from the cast rubber grips that we had originally decided on, in favour of Resin 3D Printed grips. The main factor in this decision is the reduction in weight we've achieved by opting for a 3D printed design, which can have a major impact of the overall feel of the wheel. This is due to the fact that heavier wheels tend to dampen the forces going through them, and reduce the feedback from your wheelbase you get whilst driving. Making the wheel as light as possible, without reducing quality, is testament to our commitment to help make your Sim Racing experience as good as possible.

Whilst this is the final design of the SXI-01, we will likely turn to the community for feedback on small features and changes you may like to see before release. Be sure to keep an eye on our social media pages and signup to our Early Interest Program to be involved with design decisions for the SXI-01.

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